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Writer's pictureeleina marano

Why create a landing page?

The purpose of a website is to advertise your products or services online, make yourself known and attract customers or potential customers, and validate them,… and the landing page is the key to achieving your goal.

What is a Landing Page

First, let's try to understand what a landing page is and how it differs from a website.

The landing page is a web page that has the purpose of promoting a specific Call-To-Action, whether it is the purchase of a service, the subscription to the newsletter, or the contact request.

Usually, a landing page is the landing page that is reached following a web marketing campaign: an AdWords ad, a paid advertisement on Facebook or even an email marketing campaign.

What about copywriting? It is essential to convey a message, and it may be captivating and persuasive. In addition to the text, based on the business, the target and the objective, the user can be involved with images and videos, even with gaming.

Define target audience and objectives

What is the goal of the landing page? We have already said that it is the conversion, but what action do we want the user to perform?

Let's define it among the following options:

  • purchase

  • request info or quote

  • download an e-book

  • Subscribe to the newsletter

  • and fill out a form to validate the problem or solution

And which audience are we targeting?

We must define our audience and keep in mind their needs, desires and problems to create an ad hoc landing page: the content and the message must be personalized for the audience we want to reach.

Characteristics of an effective landing page

Effective landing pages have specific characteristics.

They typically feature well-targeted text content around the campaign topic.

It always contains a capture/conversion mechanism. If the purpose is that of lead generation (i.e. acquiring contacts) it contains a data collection form, because it has to generate leads and conversions. If the purpose of the campaign is to subscribe to a mailing list, it contains the subscription form, if instead the goal is the sale of a product or service, it contains the mechanism for generating an order.

Why have a landing page if I already have a website?

Do you know that the creation of a website cannot be separated from the creation of an effective landing page? It will be the most important page, the one you need to use to convert any visitor into a defined person, who leaves you their data and goes straight to your contact database. Subsequently it will be on these contacts that you will have to work so that they become customers or are reconfirmed as such, with a good marketing campaign.

Purpose of a landing page

In summary, the landing page can have these purposes:

  • sell a product or service

  • acquire at least the e-mail address of visitors potentially interested in your services or products. It will allow you to generate leads and enrich your database of customers or potential customers.

An example of an effective Landing Page must be:

  • focused on the call to action

  • clear

  • concise

  • without distractions (menus or information that does not respond to the visitor's needs)


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